Volunteer Activities

OCSV Volunteer Activities


  • SPEED WATCH  – this is an ICBC sponsored educational program aimed at reducing incidents of speeding.  This program not only provides awareness to drivers who are speeding, but it also provides valuable data to the RCMP and ICBC on areas where speeding is a significant problem.  Using portable radar equipment and an electronic digital board, volunteers monitor speeds in school and playground zones and high crash zones.  Volunteers record the speed of vehicles and forward these reports to police and ICBC.  Areas with high incidents of speeding will be considered for future RCMP enforcement.
  • DISTRACTED DRIVING WATCH (aka Cell Watch) – this is an ICBC sponsored educational program aimed at reducing incidents of distracted driving.  This program not only provides awareness to drivers who are using electronic devices, it also provides valuable data to the RCMP and ICBC on areas where distracted driving is a significant safety issue.
  • INTERSECTION DRIVING WATCH (aka Stop Watch) – this is an ICBC sponsored educational program aimed at reducing crashed in intersections.  This program provides awareness to drivers and provides valuable data to the RCMP and ICBC on areas where distracted driving and failure of motorists to stop is a significant safety issue.

COMMUNITY CRIME WATCH CITIZEN VEHICLE PATROLS – Working in teams and operating a marked Community Policing vehicle(s), volunteers drive through local neighbourhoods and business sectors serving as a crime deterrent and operating as extra ‘eyes and ears’ for the RCMP, reporting all suspicious, criminal and nuisance behaviour observed. They also have the ability to query license plates in search of stolen vehicles.

COMMUNITY EVENTS – Volunteers may be called upon to provide support at community events on behalf of the Oceanside RCMP.  Duties could include staffing an information booth, bike or scooter safety event, parades, bike registration, distributing crime prevention informational brochures to the public.

PROJECT 529 BIKE REGISTRATION STATIONS – Volunteers set up registration stations in partnership with local bike shops and community events to register identifying features of owners’ bikes using the Project 529 Garage application.

COMMUNITY CRIME WATCH CITIZEN VEHICLE PATROLS – Working in teams and operating a marked Community Policing vehicle(s), volunteers drive through local neighbourhoods and business sectors serving as a crime deterrent and operating as extra ‘eyes and ears’ for the RCMP, reporting all suspicious, criminal and nuisance behaviour observed. They also have the ability to query license plates in search of stolen vehicles.

KEEP-IN-TOUCH (KIT) – This is a free telephone service program in which OCS volunteers are “Keeping in Touch” daily with seniors and other residents of Oceanside who live alone. The objective is to provide these residents (referred to as Clients) with the security of knowing that they will be contacted every day, (365 days a year) by an OCS volunteer member, to ensure that they are well.

Residents are referred to the program by their family doctor, a member of their own family, a neighbour, by the OCSV’s Website, or by responding to an advertisement in the local newspapers.

Clients enrolled in the program must provide names and telephone numbers of two people who are willing to be contacted if the client does not respond to an OCSV member’s call. In the event that neither the client nor the contact persons respond to a call, an Oceanside RCMP Member will be dispatched to the residence to perform a wellness check.

This program is provided under the direction of the RCMP Community Policing Officer and the Board of Directors. OCS volunteers have all undergone a police information check, to become a member of OCSV. The Keeping in Touch program compliments but does not replace 24/7 monitoring programs.

If you or a person you know would like to be on the KIT list, please contact us by email:  kit@oceansidecsv.org or call our office at 250-752-2949.
We will provide you with an application form to complete or you can download one from our website:
Link to KIT Application Form

Once your application has been submitted, one of our KIT Team Leads will contact you to review your application and further explain how the program works and then your daily calls will begin.

There is no fee for this community service program and new clients are always welcome